Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sophie Lhoste Healing: Quantum Healing Workshops


1- Go from pain to love and joy

All the new research proves that we learn best when we are interacting, when we are engaged and dialoguing, when we are experiencing. This is why this workshop is about 20% teaching (that's me talking to you)and 80% experiential (that's you being healed) as we go through:
  • Attunements that raise your vibration
  • Healing that dissolves your pain or dis-ease and transforms it into love and joy.

ATTUNEMENTS raise your vibration and that is what will happen during the workshop. You will experience the attunements first hand from me to you, the way I experienced them when they were first spontaneously given to me by the divine. I attune you myself. This is pure, undiluted life force from Source.

HEALING is what happens during the workshop. We will spend a few days together healing each other and you will become a different person as you experience more of who you really are.

2- Learn a HEALING MODALITY that you can take home and incorporate
  • in your wellness routine
  • in your family life
  • in your healing practice
This is a three day workshop and here is the detailed curriculum:



1- BALANCING your energy in all circumstances

  • Tapping
  • hydration
  • Why looking after ourselves is self-LESS
  • little known facts about energy work and nutrition, sleep and homeopathy
  • Chakras: what are they REALLY? what do they do? Why do they matter?
  • Aura clearing
  • Breathing
  • Being in the moment
  • Finding your eternal Present in the Heart of God
  • Every day awareness when you are busy
  • What is the Crystal Grid?
  • Where is it?
  • Attunement to the Crystal Grid
  • Why it is the key to all healing energy work
  • Going to the Light
  • Learn the transformative grounding meditation I have refined over 11 years as a Master Healer
  • Duality and Oneness
  • Read anyone's energy any time
  • Read anyone's body
  • Identify energy blocks
  • Connect to the matrix of divine energy
  • Disarm the cortex
  • Step out of fear and into love

  • How does this all work?
  • How can YOU harness it for health and wealth?

  • What muscle testing is
  • How it works and why even a child can use it
  • Why you really want to master that skill
  • What do physics have to do with health?
  • Who thought of that?
  • Available resources
  • Remove pain
  • Download/create love, joy and health blueprints
  • Identify beliefs and change them
  • Channel relevant information

On the third day, we practice everything we learned in the first two days so that:
  • you are transformed during the workshop and go home a different, lighter, happier person
  • you own the tools you have just learned and are confident in using them when you go home
  • you are clear about your purpose in using SLH quantum healing.


This workshop is for you if you are:
  • a healer or a therapist who wants to learn about Quantum Healing
  • an aspiring or emergent healers even if you are not yet practicing professionally
  • someone who was spontaneously awakened and you do not how to use your gift
  • a practitioner of a strong, daily spiritual practice and you want to learn healing
  • someone with a strong desire to take control of your future
This workshop is intensive and transformational. You qualify if you are ready to start creating EFFICIENTLY and WITH LOVE.


The next worshop is in Austin, Tx October 10, 11 and 12.
Email me for details at sophielhoste@gmail.com (Or you can phone: 413-8840-2543)


The registration fee for the three day workshop is $600.
A non-refundable downpayment of $200 is required at registration and the full fee is due 7 days before the workshop.

I offer a variety of ultra flexible payment options, including
  • payment plans,
  • credit cards
  • Paypal
  • invoices
that I guarantee can make this affordable to you whatever your financial situation or beliefs (we'll work on that in the workshop any way!)


If you do not wish to travel, I will, because I love it!
Organize a workshop in your area with 6 to 20 participants and I will come and teach! Please email or call me to discuss this before you finalize anything.


Email me at sophielhoste@gmail.com
or call me at 413-884-2543

  • I will answer all your questions and give you 30 minutes so you can get to know me!
  • Send you a link for your registration

Monday, August 17, 2009

What is Always There? Love

The Secret. What is the secret? Love. What is real? Love.

What has 'been around for centuries'? Love

What can you trust because it is ALWAYS there? Love

What can you trust because it is who and what you are? Love, Love, Love, Love!

What is the gateway to success? Love!

What is the gateway to the universe? Love!

What is the gateway to All? Love!

What is the way to the Heart of the divine? Plain, pure, simple, surrender into Love!

It's all around you all the time, just relax your awareness, it's there: Love

Magic is real, miracles are real. Surrender into them.

When we overcome our fear of being 'out of control' we allow miracles.

You are born with the power of Love.

You are born with magic in your hands.

Healing is just more Love. You are born with healing in your hands and in your heart.

How does it feel to allow miracles into your life?

Dream then surrender into the dream.

Your heart is the gateway to the Divine Heart. Go live there!

Your heart understands the secret to the Heart of God, to the eternal present of Love.

What your heart cherishes, you heart creates.

How do you step into your miracle? Surrender, allow, receive.

Out of your mind and into your heart: that is the way to divine flow.

YOU are the power of miracle-making Love.

We all know how to love. What we need to learn is how to receive love.

Through Love you merge back into infinity, infinitely.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Lesson of the River

I often take my kids to the River. Where I live there are many within walking distance, all exquisitely beautiful all year and fun and cool in the heat of summer.

Also because I go there to do rituals that enhance my life in a myriad of unexpected ways.

Last month I took a very tense 13 year to the river bank and just let her be. At first she was annoyed at being kept there. "Doesn't the water ever get tired? I mean it NEVER stops!" Talk about projection! Then suddenly she relaxed and said: "The river is such a good lesson. It just keeps going, it never gets stuck, it's always moving on. We should be more like the river"

My job is done.

Where do YOU go to be reminded of flow that's always moving on?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What is the Violet Flame?


The Violet Flame
  1. is a spiritual energy
  2. is perceived as a purplish/violet light
  3. has the qualities of:
  • letting go
  • forgiveness

The Violet Flame
  • was given to humanity by the Ascended Master Saint Germain
  • through Guy Ballard to whom he first appeared
  • in the early 1930s.

St Germain gave Ballard the first teachings on the Violet Flame to:
  • transmute negativity into positive energy
  • prepare us to enter the Age of Aquarius that we moved into in March 2009
  • give a tool to create peace, freedom and enlightenment

As a historical figure, St Germain lived in the royal courts of Germany, France and England in the 1700s and died in 1784. His origins and birth date are unknown. He was mysteriously wealthy and very educated so he had the means to study the occult and alchemy.


Alchemy was
  • the search for a way to transmute common metals into gold
  • it was a metaphor for self-transformation, spiritual wealth, truth, wisdom and compassion.

Because of its TRANSMUTATION aspect, the seventh Ray, or Violet Flame is associated with St Germain's work.


The Violet Flame is visualized as a flame or fire that
  1. is purple/violet in color
  2. burns negativity out of the person at cellular and quantum level
  3. releases extra space between the particles of matter, allowing more vital energy to flow so matter vibrates faster
  4. raises our vibration
  5. changes
  • negative energy into positive energy
  • darkness into light
  • fear and hatred into love
  • anxiety into peace

In doing all this the Violet Flame helps remove blocks and often allows situations to move on more smoothly.

When we carry less cellular memory of trauma, wounds, pain and resentment, we become more loving, compassionate and peaceful. We become more of who we really are.

If YOU want to be attuned to the Violet Flame and experience the positive changes it can bring into your life, join me on Thursday August 27 at 9pm EST.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Psychic Protection

"I want to be more Psychic." "I want to be more intuitive" are frequent requests from my clients. No problem: just give me a second to find my magic wand.

Ok seriously: what does it take to be more psychic or intuitive?

1. It takes TRUST in your own abilities
2. It takes CONFIDENCE that you are safe to experiment and to get it wrong sometimes
3- Trust and confidence come from PRACTICE.

So you practice until you trust your instincts and your intuitive abilities. You get to the point where you are getting some psychic hits: you just know who is on the phone before it rings, where that tumor is, how your client is feeling. And you are right!

You grow in confidence. You are right more and more often, in ways you cannot even explain.

And then one day:

  • something happens to scare you. You feel like you have been psychically attacked
  • Or you acquire some unexplained 'bad luck'. It's like nothing is working anymore
  • You start having minor accidents and losing things
  • Mild headaches hang around like a bad fog
  • Or you can't read your clients anymore, the information is all scrambled.

Yikes! What just happened?

Your light is brighter, you are capable of handling more healing energy than ever before and you have become a recycling plant for negativity, you are attracting 'bad stuff' again just like you did BEFORE you were a healer but even more so sometimes.

What do you do now?

PSYCHIC PROTECTION is what you need!

Iron-clad, fool proof, tried and tested psychic protection, which is exactly what I taught for you in my
Psychic Protection teleclass
on Thursday August 27

And I recorded it so you can still purchase the whole class, go through the exercises and practice at home every day until it becomes second nature!
Click on the link at the bottom of the page to purchase the recording and I will send it to you in less than 24 hours.

I am a fairly powerful healer and I deal with some hard core issues like horrendous past lives, seriously negative karma, sometimes even curses. Some days I see up to 4 clients in one day, all with different issues, each bringing in a host of energies. And I work from home so I don't want any of that negativity floating around my kids! I have been developing this psychic protection systems for 11 years. If it's out there, you can pretty much guarantee that I've dealt with it.

Because I think it is vitally important that every healer and every emergent healer has the best tools available to do the work that they came here to do, I am offering this teleclass at a ridiculously low price. For the price of a book, you can spend an hour with me learning the finest tricks of the trade!

In this teleclass you will learn:
  1. Grounding meditation
  2. How can Angels help?
  3. Tracking down the cause or the origin of the problem
  4. Protection: the pyramid, the hand, the Violet Flame: WITH ATTUNEMENT!
  5. Intention
  6. What happens when I grow spiritually?
  7. How can I stay protected all the time, everywhere?

Did you notice those 2 words? "with attunement" ? That means that I will attune everyone who is PRESENT on the call to the Violet Flame, one of the most powerful tools for protection and transmutation available to us. Psychic friends and healers have SEEN the angels of the Violet Flame around me and I know they work with me all the time.

The Violet Flame attunement will
  1. raise your vibration
  2. raise your level of protection
  3. give you a new simple yet powerful protection tool.
The next thing I want you to do is to buy the replay of this fantastic Psychic Protection call so you can learn to do this yourself! Just clik below:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Can You Feel the Planetary Awakening?

"I don't feel all the things that you describe in your blog" and "I feel some of what you describe but not as strongly as you do" I hear several times a week. "I know something is happening energetically but I can't make sense of it the way you do. What's wrong with me?"

There is nothing wrong with you.

In the New Age the key is going to be diversity. Starting with the way we all experience the transition with different symptoms and different degrees of intensity.

The visionaries, the channelers and the Human Angels are experiencing the energy changes more keenly at the moment. Is it because we are so special? NO. It's because:
  • we are very connected to Source by nature or by training
  • we are empaths who habitually feel energy strongly so we can help our clients
  • we are translators: our job is to tell you what is going on and make sense of it for you
  • we are the scouts, opening the way, learning the native language and reporting back what we are finding out about in this uncharted territory.
So we are just doing our job, what we incarnated for: we are opening the way and telling our clients and readers about what we are discovering.

Others are changing in their own way without necessarily understanding why, just observing how.

Sit back, relax and en-JOY the ride. It's all good, we are all going in the same direction, in our own way, at our own pace. However much of the Planetary Awakening you feel or don't feel is ok.

Let me know how YOU are living through this!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Flow Into Oneness

Today drink from the flow of life. Open up to the Heavens and receive blessings. There is nothing much to do: just surrender, open up and enjoy.

Your vibration is being raised fast. Clairaudient and clairvoyant gifts are acute. The seventh chakra is vibrant and the eighth chakra (interpersonal) is actively searching for positive connections.

She is whispering, Her song is like the mist above the river at the dawn of a hot lazy day. Her mist song is everywhere around you and yet none can grasp it. Elusive, flirtatious, She dances in and around your consciousness, teasing you to the limit, enticing you to let go into a new way of being.

Flow with Her.
Let Her fog your mind, cloud all your judgements, mist your eyes.
Let Her flow from nowhere and everywhere into your Heart.
She is the Divine Feminine that created you.
Follow Her flow into Oneness.

Forever hidden from human eyes, She whispers the world into being. Can YOU feel her?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Moody Day for Everyone!

Today is the 3rd eclipse in 5 weeks according to the very wonderful and very accurate Kim Gould of Love Your Design. All I know is that everyone is moody and irritable, with stomach aches all over the place. Healers and children are being particularly affected.

If you or your children are feeling this way, you are not alone.
Today is the day to be gentle with ourselves. It will pass. By Sunday things will be better.

So be gentle, tender, patient and embrace your emotions: they are showing you where you are comfortable and where you need to work on things. This is a fantastic opportunity to shift and move to the next level of our awareness and our abilities! This is a tremendous opportunity to learn to love more and better: ourselves and the community at large.

I Love you!

How are YOU doing today? Leave a comment below!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sunday Bliss and Tuesday Sadness This Week

In my post "Emotions are the gateway to the Spiritual" last Friday I was warning myself I think that "when we birth something new some old things will die for sure". It's been 3 days of old things dying and it feels like 2 months worth of energy work and living happened in those 3 days.

1- The energies are still coming in wave after wave
  • Human angels are remembering who they are in large numbers
  • Human angels are finding each other & creating community
  • Lightworkers and healers are being taken to the next level of their practice
  • Many experience enlightenment
  • Many are visited by angels
  • Some were lifted out of their bodies & taken to the Light
  • many are wanting to fast so they can release old energies faster like we usually do in Spring
  • Grounding is challenging, but keep doing it: it's still the best way to keep safe in these changing times
  • Lots of feet tingling, leg itching and crown chakra buzzing for many

2- More specifically on Sunday July 26 the portal opened further. I am not an astrologer I am just telling you what I felt, saw and know. On Sunday August 2 the Divine Feminine came down to be anchored on earth with the Divine Masculine for the first time ever. It felt quite Divine and very soothing. Very healing. A taste of the future.
The work was archetypal and was felt by many. It was not subtle. It just happened and those of us who were involved had little control over it. We were mere channels.
Others had more personal but extraordinarily powerful experiences in how they felt the influx of light and energy: of angel visitations, being lifted out of their bodies, receiving downloads of energy etc.

3- Today was a great day to:
remember old wounds, feel the sadness, get to the root cause and let go of it.

I think it's because Tuesdays are good for establishing boundaries and asking for protection and the things that make us sad happened when our integrity was violated, our boundaries were disrespected, our hearts were compromised and our souls were disconnected from the Divine as a result.

4- Remember: there is still a need to nap, drink water, ground often, create support in daily life, eat well, all that good stuff that keeps us balanced when advancing rapidly!

I am surfing this amazing wave of planetary awakening and staying in balance the best I can, with the help of others.

How are YOU doing through all this? Together we learn and create: leave a comment for the benefit of all!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Second Sunday with Sophie

On Sunday August 9 we are starting Second Sunday with Sophie.

The new energies are still coming in waves, change is rapid and I want to make the information I am connected to available on a regular and affordable basis.

At times the change is blissful and at times it is more challenging. It has been physically tiring for many of us. We have all experienced strange physical symptoms. Some are seeing their hormones being really affected, which impacts their mood, their relationships, their sexuality or makes management of conditions such as diabetes or depression more challenging.

I also hear amazing positive stories:

of being lifted out of your bodies and taken to the light
of being visited by angels
of suddenly 'knowing' that you are an earth angel and relaxing into that realization
of being asked to let go of important projects or relationships
of energetically connecting to others half way across the globe

Maybe your experiences are blissful, maybe they are challenging, maybe it's a mixed bag and you experience them all in turn. I suspect at times you also feel fear and anxiety at being pushed to change so fast.

There are ways to:
stay in balance
work through the fear so you learn through it
understand your mission in this life time

I have been studying, creating and practicing balance in a fast changing spiritual environment for 11 years (well, for centuries, really). I have this down to a fine art!

Also, I know and understand what is happening at this moment of our planet's awakening. I am in constant contact with angels, guides and the Divine. Which is why so many are connecting with me. As a result of this, I am at the point in my practice where I cannot speak personally with every person who wants to connect with me every week. I think this information is comforting to many and I want it to be available, in person. When I find a healer or a teacher I resonate with, I always want to hear their voice, I want to be in their vibration.

1- Every SECOND Sunday at 2PM EST I will be on the phone and available.

On the call I will:
  • teach one of my meditations
  • discuss a healing topic
  • take questions at the end of the call so be sure to ask your question on the call detail page.

2- On the other Sundays of the month I will meditate at 2PM EST and invite you to join me in meditation and prayer for Oneness.

There is power in numbers, you know that. And you know that together we can create a beautiful vibration of Oneness, Love and Joy. So join me every Sunday at 2pm EST, I will be meditating for Oneness with you. You can tune in energetically from wherever you are in the world.

For the phone calls for SECOND SUNDAY WITH SOPHIE I am asking you to contribute "$8 or more" and I WILL NEVER RAISE THIS BASE FEE so my teaching about Oneness is always available to everyone. This way we can:
  • create community,
  • share cutting edge content
  • offer support and inspiration
in 2009 I will talk with you on:

Sunday August 9 ~ Grounding and why it matters.
Sunday Sept 13 ~ Are you a healer?
Sunday October 11 ~ Staying Balanced and Breathing
Sunday November 8 ~ Kundalini Reiki
Sunday December 13 ~ the December Solstice

The call details will be posted here for every month so bookmark this page now to return to it easily or join my newsletter and I'll send you a short email with the call details the day before.

Call details for Sunday August 9 will be sent to you as soon as you send your donation and you will also have the opportunity to send me your questions from the confirmation page:

Donation Options

If you know someone who would benefit from this, send them this link:

I'll talk with YOU on Sunday at 2PM EST!

So you never miss a Second Sunday With Sophie you can also join my newsletter:

Saturday, August 1, 2009

We All Come from the Goddess

Today is Saturday: the best time of the week to use goddess energy to let go of the old and implement new structures. This is what this is song is about:


We All Come From The Goddess
And To Her We Shall Return
Like A Drop Of Rain,
Flowing To The Ocean

Hoof and horn, Hoof and horn
All that dies shall be reborn
Corn and grain, Corn and grain
All that falls shall rise again

Sage and Crone, Sage and Crone,
Wisdom's gift shall be our own.
Crone and Sage, Crone and Sage,
Wisdom is the gift of age.