Dear Friend and most valued Reader,
my blog has migrated to: where it will be easier for everyone to leave COMMENTS so we can create community through the wonderful and exciting Planetary Awakening we are all experiencing at the moment.
Much Love and Light, see you over there!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Today is a Strong Goddess Day
It is a special GoddessCreation day
It falls on a full moon
It falls on a Thursday for Universal Love
So pay attention to:
- your emotions as they guide you
- small details as they give you clues
for today much will be revealed from the Invisible to us. I am certainly looking forward to it!
Let me know what happens with you today!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Raphael or Gabriel?

I had an interesting experience a few days ago. I was being visited by an archangel. When I asked who he was, he said: "Raphael". We talked. When he left a different but similarly large presence stood by me. We chatted and I asked who he was. "Gabriel" he said.
For the next thirty minutes or so (hard to tell the time when you are visiting with archangels) Raphael and Gabriel kept switching places. I was very quietly joyful as I always am in their presence but after a while my logical mind started wanting to make the difference between them. You know, 'be clear who I was talking to' kind of thing.
Being a modern girl I was going to look them up on Google! (I am laughing with you right now) or maybe in a Doreen Virtue book. But Gabriel, who was with me at the time I had that thought said: "Do NOT go to the computer now. Why do you want to learn about us through somebody else? Why do our differences matter? Learn us through your own experience of us." There was a sense that in my own experience was my own power.
Of course he is right! That is exactly how I learned to recognize Archangel Michael and Archangel Uriel: by spending time and visiting with them. My experience of them may be very common or it may be unique, I don't really know, because I never checked. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that I have a personal working relationship with them.
So: I have been told! And now they wanted me to tell you , so I did. And with this post written, I feel the wonderful, caring, tender love they always wrap me in when I work with them and I have followed their guidance.
Thank you to both Raphael and Gabriel and thank YOU for reading!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Removing Energy Shields
Recently I have found myself doing some new work for many of my clients: I am removing energy shields.
As you know I can see energy as clearly as I see the furniture in my living room and recently dense structures have been shown to me in several clients' energies.
They are definitely shields that were created earlier on in life and that are a habbit from lifetimes of protecting oneself from oppressive energies. Like an outer shell allows the center to remain soft and tender. But now that energy healers and people of good will are safe to work without being victimized by the church or their neighbors, the shields
They are heavy and stopping us from leaping during this Planetary Awakening
They are also rigid and are stopping us from growing and expanding.
They isolate as much as they protect and are stopping us from experiencing Oneness
So after years of
I LOVE healing energy work! It just keeps unfolding into completely new areas I could not have predicted!
As you know I can see energy as clearly as I see the furniture in my living room and recently dense structures have been shown to me in several clients' energies.
They are definitely shields that were created earlier on in life and that are a habbit from lifetimes of protecting oneself from oppressive energies. Like an outer shell allows the center to remain soft and tender. But now that energy healers and people of good will are safe to work without being victimized by the church or their neighbors, the shields
- are not necessary anymore
- are holding us back
They are heavy and stopping us from leaping during this Planetary Awakening
They are also rigid and are stopping us from growing and expanding.
They isolate as much as they protect and are stopping us from experiencing Oneness
So after years of
- clearing past lives
- removing curses and limiting oaths and vows
- clearing family karma
- changing archetypal issues
I LOVE healing energy work! It just keeps unfolding into completely new areas I could not have predicted!
Friday, May 21, 2010
You Can Make Anything Happen
You need to do this really fast
No second guessing.
Here is a
magic spiritual wand
You have one wish.
You can make anything happen RIGHT NOW.
What is it?
Let me know in a comment below
No second guessing.
Here is a
You have one wish.
You can make anything happen RIGHT NOW.
What is it?
Let me know in a comment below
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Mind Chatter
Another change brought by the recent energy upgrade is that I am now keenly aware of my mind chatter. I have been training myself for years so I am really good at consciously thinking positive. And after 20 years of Buddhist meditation training, I thought I could control my mind and at least be aware of negative thoughts. But last week my subconscious thoughts sounded like a constant stream of complaints, criticisms and self defeating stories!
I was AMAZED at how many times a day I caught myself going off track and back into some kind of familiar but uncomfortable negative, complaining or critical stream of comments, to myself. Not the kind of things I would ever say or that I ever knew I was thinking until a few days ago.
So I kept doing the energy work to eliminate, transmute and replace all that old garbage. I felt lighter and more able to think clearly by the hour! Alleluia!
I am so grateful I spent the past 12 years consciously training to be an energy healer and learning to facilitate the attunement of the soul to increasingly high levels of consciousness! It is coming in very handy this year!
Tell me your story in a comment below!
I was AMAZED at how many times a day I caught myself going off track and back into some kind of familiar but uncomfortable negative, complaining or critical stream of comments, to myself. Not the kind of things I would ever say or that I ever knew I was thinking until a few days ago.
So I kept doing the energy work to eliminate, transmute and replace all that old garbage. I felt lighter and more able to think clearly by the hour! Alleluia!
I am so grateful I spent the past 12 years consciously training to be an energy healer and learning to facilitate the attunement of the soul to increasingly high levels of consciousness! It is coming in very handy this year!
Tell me your story in a comment below!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
More Tears? Release Pain!
Last Sunday was hard on a lot of people. It brought up:
Because as we are being birthed into a new level of consciousness (that is why your head feels squished) we absolutely MUST RELEASE our habit and memory of PAIN, from this life and from past lives.
What if we don't?
As we open up so Divine Light can come in, our energy circuits, chakras, meridians, nervous and endocrine systems, that hold onto old, heavy, stuck energy that is not compatible with pure Divine light, those circuits will be FRIED by the charge of so much pure energy.
What to do:
pain is a heavy vibration. Like bags of sand around your ankles, in your kidneys (fear), in your liver (anger), in our lungs (sadness). It is stopping you from leaping, from ascending, from soaring.
So LET IT GO! And open up to the Light.
Allow yourself to be attuned to a higher vibration.
Yes, it feels weird, yes you also let go of some people, yes you don't recognize your world for a while. Yes, that too can feel lonely for a while.
But better things are coming. This is a birth: new life! So push with me through that birth canal and I'll see you on the other side, where there is more Light.
Let me know what you are going through in a comment below!
- more tears
- depression
- accidents
- feelings of loneliness or isolation
- having old issues come up again when we thought they were solved
- being faced with the consequences of poor choices
- experiencing the consequences of complacency
- the need to let go of our old stories about ourselves
Because as we are being birthed into a new level of consciousness (that is why your head feels squished) we absolutely MUST RELEASE our habit and memory of PAIN, from this life and from past lives.
What if we don't?
As we open up so Divine Light can come in, our energy circuits, chakras, meridians, nervous and endocrine systems, that hold onto old, heavy, stuck energy that is not compatible with pure Divine light, those circuits will be FRIED by the charge of so much pure energy.
What to do:
pain is a heavy vibration. Like bags of sand around your ankles, in your kidneys (fear), in your liver (anger), in our lungs (sadness). It is stopping you from leaping, from ascending, from soaring.
So LET IT GO! And open up to the Light.
Allow yourself to be attuned to a higher vibration.
Yes, it feels weird, yes you also let go of some people, yes you don't recognize your world for a while. Yes, that too can feel lonely for a while.
But better things are coming. This is a birth: new life! So push with me through that birth canal and I'll see you on the other side, where there is more Light.
Let me know what you are going through in a comment below!
Planetary awakening
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Staying Balanced During the Shift
Many of us are feeling like the sheer SPEED and DEPTH of the shift is leaving us:
You can purchase a recording of my grounding meditation, with comprehensive details of how to rebalance through it here:
Much Love and Joy to each one of us!
- still feeling disoriented
- like we need to re-evaluate how we respond to life (yes, again)
- like we are getting used to doing things differently
- that as our vibration rises, we are not compatible with some of the people in our lives and some of our friends are dropping out along the way. It can be painful and sad.
The positive for the above are:
- we can learn a new balance
- we are still open to change and growth
- we are moving into a new way of being, for good
- it is VERY clear at the moment who in our life is on a similar path and who is not and we are making new friends who really support our growth. That is what creates more joy in the end.
- Keep grounding yourself (bring roots into the ground from the sole of your feet)
- Breathe!!
- Drink a lot of pure water daily of course
- Rest
- Smell essential oils of lavender to re-balance you (You can also use it in a hot bath)
- Be, ride the wave, don't try to be too analytical
- Eat 'superfoods' such as spirulina, wheatgrass juice, raw cocoa, goji berries, kombucha tea etc
- Eat berries and any raw nuts that your body is happy with, salads, raw foods
You can purchase a recording of my grounding meditation, with comprehensive details of how to rebalance through it here:
Much Love and Joy to each one of us!
Planetary awakening,
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Being or Doing?
We are human BEINGS some say. All that doing and running around gets you nowhere fast.
All that being and knowing who you are is pointless: you need to TAKE ACTION.
When is a girl to meditate and when is she to take action with all this conflicting advice?
I think both are right. The question is not about Being Versus Doing, it is about
When all these are aligned, everything falls into place. You can easily follow your own rhythm of being, meditating, dreaming, creating in the mind, overcoming fear and doing/taking action. Meditation in action. Mindfulness in movement.
All that being and knowing who you are is pointless: you need to TAKE ACTION.
When is a girl to meditate and when is she to take action with all this conflicting advice?
I think both are right. The question is not about Being Versus Doing, it is about
effective doing
effective doing
When all these are aligned, everything falls into place. You can easily follow your own rhythm of being, meditating, dreaming, creating in the mind, overcoming fear and doing/taking action. Meditation in action. Mindfulness in movement.
- The being becomes sweeter because it is guilt free.
- The notion of 'hard' work disappears as more peace permeates your life.
- The doing becomes more effective because when it is aligned to your soul/core purpose, it becomes more targeted and you need to do much less for much better/more effective/greater results/rewards
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Restoring Integrity

When the integrity of who we are is raped or violated in any way, physically, emotionally, spiritually or psychologically, it sets us on a course
- of wanting to hide the wound
- then the shame
- of wanting to hide the part of us that has become vulnerable because we think it is going to protect us to do so
- of wanting to hide our confusion when we try to tell and are told that our reality is 'not true'
- of lying to placate the people who violated us
In a complex world of mirrors we lose the truth of the love we were meant to embody, to give and to receive.
- We bend ourselves out of our energetic and often also out of physical shape
- We start lying, most often unconsciously, to ourselves about what we like and want so we don't have to use the vulnerable/wounded part of our being
- We start lying to others about what we really want from our lives and from our interaction with them
We KNOW this so deeply that abuse survivors are often desperate to be loved and held in love. Unfortunately they also unconsciously choose their loving partners from a place where the wound wants to play out again, be heard and create a different outcome this time, it hopes. This can lead to a series of painful relationships, either romantic or friendship, and break ups that create their own layers of violation and rejection.
- Some of us were lucky to find the loving friend or spouse that loved us back to Love.
- others work their way through self help books
- or are visited by an angel who transforms them
- or have a life experience that forces them to remember or to face their truth in a dramatic way (near death experience, life threatening illness, loss of a loved one a career or a home etc).
- Some need the help of a trustworthy and compassionate healer or therapist (yes, you can call me and set up an appointment, I am an abuse recovery expert and have gone through it myself).
self love
Friday, May 14, 2010
Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience

We have all heard the phrase: "We are spiritual beings having a human experience." I have known this to be true for years and until today I thought 'incarnating' (of the Latin 'carne' meaning flesh: coming in the flesh) meant that my spirit had come into a body, was choosing to use a human body as a vehicle. In the same way that my physical body uses a car and drives it. Which could explain why I have driven myself (and my body) so hard. My old way of looking at it is reflected in many creation myths where the Divine creates the earth and later creates humans out clay then blows spirit into them. (in-spir-es them)
But today I feel I have a completely new understanding of the phrase "I am a spiritual being having a spiritual experience": my spirit is not IN a human body. My spirit IS the physical body.
When I move, sing or dance, I am Spirit in action.
My spirit can choose to exist at so many levels of density, on so many different vibrational levels. At the moment I am choosing to exist at a denser vibration that is manifesting in the shape of a human body. Which explains why I remember so clearly the physical experience of having been angels of various sizes in the past. It was just me being in different ways.
It's so simple.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A Little Story About Enlightenment

The student goes to the Master and asks: "If I apply myself, how long till I reach enlightenment?"
"one year?" says the Master.
"Ok, I will try hard then!" replies the student.
"Oh, if you try hard, then two years" warns the Master.
Make sure YOU have fun on the way!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Why Can't I think Straight After a Big Aha Moment?

Oftentimes after a blinding enlightening experience, a resounding aha moment or a raise in our vibration, we can't think straight, use our cognitive skills, reason, articulate the experience or communicate. Why is that?
So we can rest and integrate:
1- We are tired.
Raising the spiritual vibration of a human body uses up a lot of energy. We burn energy as fuel for the transformation. Like studying for and sitting finals or running a marathon. You just need to rest, hydrate and eat well for a few days afterward to regain our balance.
2- Our circuits are fried.
The fact that a much higher current just ran through an antiquated system really stretches and taxes that system for most people. Again, rest, hydration and good food are the answer.
3- To preserve and integrate the upgrade
It would be easy for our 'logical' thinking to go into overdrive to try and control what just happened (some people call it the controlling ego). When we are 'too tired to think' the upgrade integrates in our energy system without being slowed down or stopped by our old thoughts.
By the time we feel better, the change has occurred and has become permanent so even our thinking is different by then. The new patterns are in place.
4- To receive more information
When we are asleep our critical conscious mind shuts down and our unconscious is open. It is a great time for the Divine, angels and Guides to come and whisper in our ear, give us information, communicate with us through dreams and images or to take us other places where we can learn more while the body is at rest. Ever woken up feeling like you suddenly knew something completely new or had the company of angels in your sleep?
En-JOY the integration!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
My Mothering Patchwork Quilt

The mothering I received growing up was patchy to say the least. And just plain not enough for who I was and what I needed.
For many years I was extremely sad, sometimes even bitter or angry about it. And my heart was often cold.
Eventually I decided that I was a more pleasant person when I was happy so I decided to forgive. That took care of the angry bitterness but it did not keep my heart warm.
An Australian friend told me of a tradition where mothers sew a patchwork quilt for their child out of that child's favorite clothes, for years, adding the items one at a time. And the quilt grows with the child.
I started imagining the love my mother had given me as being a baby blanket that is the center piece of my patchwork quilt. Clearly that center piece was much too small for who I was as an adult so every time I met a woman that I felt was a good mother or who mothered me for a while, or gave wonderful hugs,
I imagined adding a patch of their loving mothering energy to my quilt.
I was creating my Mothering Patchwork Quilt,
not only in my mind but as a real energy of love around me.
I was creating my Mothering Patchwork Quilt,
not only in my mind but as a real energy of love around me.
My mothering patchwork quilt is quite big now. And very colorful. It is soft, comfortable. It keeps my heart and my whole energetic body warm, wrapped up in a comfy blanky of wonderful mothering love!
It has got so big that I can even share it with my kids, friends and clients.
If the mothering you received was insufficient, you can add to it any time, starting today, till you receive what your heart desires! En-JOY!!
What does YOUR mothering Patchwork quilt look and feel like?
Tell me in a comment below!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Stand in Love

Thank you so much for being with me in this current wave of Planetary Awakening. In this life time I have been consciously aware of our current awakening for 11 years. Most of that time I traveled with one, maybe two friends by my side. So meeting so many wonderful individuals who are on the same path feels like true abundance and gives me great joy!
I have trained with such grounded, powerful, awe inspiring healers, spiritual masters and religious leaders that I am very confident in my abilities to read a situation or a person's energies. I know when what I know is true. I also know when I am not sure and I am not afraid to say so.
It is wonderful, inspiring and heart warming to witness humanity become aware of its own power at last.
My message today is that THERE IS NO END IN SIGHT. We can stop wishing that 'things would slow down' or 'become clearer' or be easier. They are not going to be for while. What we are going through is evolution of the same magnitude as when humans started walking erect or our thumb became oppositional to the fingers. But this time we are reshaping our endocrine system, our chemical balance, our emotions and our access to our spirituality and to the unused corners of our brains.
We are changing in order to adapt to new circumstances and it is not going to stop. if it did we would probably not survive as a race. At the very least we would stop thriving and learning. There is no space for stagnant complacency in our universe. Complacency breeds death. So here is what works at the moment:
- Breathe deep
- Sleep as much as you can
- Ground yourself as often as you can/remember
- Eat healthy nutritious foods
- Open your minds to new possibilities
- Trust your intuition
- Learn as many healing techniques as you need
- Make friends who understand what you are going through
- Create a supportive spiritual community for yourself
- Be prepared to lose everything you know or have in order to be reborn and hopefully you won't have to go through all that.
This is by no means the end of the world but it most certainly is the end of the world as we have known it in our recorded history.
I am constantly given glimpses of the future and the future is not scary. It is potentially more peaceful, more creative, more aware, more enlightened. We still need to let go of the old in order to give birth to the new.
Stand in your power.
Stand in your JOY.
Stand in love for yourself
Stand in love for others
Stand in the Heart of God
Stand in your JOY.
Stand in love for yourself
Stand in love for others
Stand in the Heart of God
Those are the keys.
With much Love,
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mothering Second Sunday With Sophie, May 2010
Listening to the recording and going into the meditation is enough to raise your vibration and to attune you to a higher frequency so follow the link download the audio and relax, breathe and reconnect! The recording is here:
Love you !
is back! Of course the topic today was Mother's Day> And it's all in the audio of this great call:
- a deep, 30 minute meditation to bring in the Divine Light and to practice RECEIVING
- the importance of being a good enough mother/father/parent
- how beyond your best there is nothing but a breaking point
- a good mother is a supported mother and how YOU can change the world once you understand that
- Why you need to practice receiving
Today is also a deeply significant Goddess Day and I am sure the Divine Feminine. She was most definitely present to support us in raising our vibration today.
Listening to the recording and going into the meditation is enough to raise your vibration and to attune you to a higher frequency so follow the link download the audio and relax, breathe and reconnect! The recording is here:
Love you !
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Healers Leaping!

This week many healers, energy workers and enlightened individuals are reporting similar body sensations and a sense that "We are in the process of being "prepared" for Truth at a level not really experienced by the majority of the population." (Jeff Staebell)Something big is happening right now. Or has just happened maybe? I don't think it's over. It feels like we are right in the middle of it in fact, with today being the apex. This Mother's Day is going to be another powerful day for transformation if in your heart of hearts you are willing to leap at the crest of the wave.
First we felt confused, then great, peaceful and light. Later comes the realization of HOW MUCH we have changed and the need to ANCHOR the new energy we embody.
After the leap, it is imperative to stay more grounded. We are used to thinking of spiritual energy 'out there' but this week's shift is about anchoring spiritual energy down here. Anchoring the Light from Source down here in the third dimension will more available to people who are not yet so proficient with energy play.
If you need help with all this: call and make an appointment: I am having great fun with all of this and have already helped five clients and friends soothe and smooth the unsettled feelings that come with this profound shift.
Friday, May 7, 2010
I am Abundance, Prosperity and Wealth

I am abundance, prosperity and wealth.
I am the abundance of time I have with my children as I am raising them. I am the abundance of friends who have loved me and my family throughout my life. I am the abundance of space, nature and fresh air that surround me daily. I am the abundance of support, mentoring, advice, love, patience that I have received all through my life. I am the abundance of freedom that I live with.
I am the prosperity of the peace and beauty that surround me in my village. I am the prosperity of my family's health. I am the prosperity of my spiritual growth, like a tree reaching for the Light. I am the prosperity of the nourishment I offer others who are also growing spiritually.
I am the wealth of opportunities that have come my way throughout my life. Opportunity to travel, to learn, to share, to love, to work, to rest.
I am the wealth of knowledge and wisdom I have gathered over the years. I am the wealth of remedies, flower essences, crystals, energy tools and love I use to support you in creating health, wealth, prosperity and abundance in YOUR life.
I can honestly say that I have done what I wanted with my life.
In 1989, 10 years out of high school and having lived in large cities though Europe, traveled and learned a lot already, I was walking through a beautiful English park with my then husband. I dreamed of traveling some more, of living somewhere safe, peaceful, quiet and beautiful, of working from a home we owned in a job where my clients would feel welcome (I thought I was going to run an inn, I did not know I was going to be a healer). I wanted my dog and my cat by me all day long. Those were my dreams.
Now I have all of that. Plus amazing kids that I did not know I wanted, plus my being a healer, that I did not know I was, plus living in the USA, that I did not know I would love!
In my life I have had or created the opportunity to do anything I wanted to. I have traveled to all the places I really wanted to go to. I have raised my kids exactly as I wanted to even though it was rather unconventional. I have been free when I wanted to be. I have been loved beyond measure. I am safe, held, blessed, abundant, prosperous and wealthy in SO many balanced ways that all weave into each other!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wending Season

Wending means:
to direct one's course
to proceed on one's way. "Wending our way"
It is the wending season. There are so many possibilities open to us at the moment, so many potential paths. We literally create as we think right now.
There are portals open to allow us to cut through history and be in the eternal now.
Time to clear all negative patterns and to think positive thoughts only.
Time to really think about what we want. Do YOU know?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Practical Oneness

Feeling confused with what's going on in your life right now? Wondering why nothing is working like it used to? Please don't tell me it's because Mercury is retrograde: this goes way beyond that!
Wondering what to plug into where?
For everybody out there who is struggling with the current pushing and shoving that the Universe is lovingly making available to us to get us out of our old patterns and into more joy: hang in there, you are not on your own!
Right now many of us seem to be receiving very mixed messages:
love more, but NOT like before
let go BUT build at the same time
flow with intuition BUT remember how important structure is
That kind of thing.
It seems to me that life/the Divine is trying to show us a third way in everything that matters to us. Shaking us to shed our old dualistic ways of thinking and doing things. Pushing us to shed our "either/or" attitudes and habits to create a more unified, complex, subtle, rich, INCLUSIVE way of being and doing.
We are definitely being given PRACTICAL lessons into ONENESS!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Trust Meditation

Just had a wonderful meditation where I was imagining my path showing up in front of me just as I need to find it to take my next step.
Some fear arose. I asked what it was and realized that I was scared that if I trusted completely, the Divine would lead me to the edge of a metaphorical cliff and push me over the edge to show me that I could fly. I could see myself being ABLE to fly but really not enjoying the feeling.
Then the message came loud and clear: "We would never ask yo to do that"
"Why not I asked?"
"Because we know you don't like flying sensations. We will get yo where you need to go in a way that is comfortable for you"
I cried with joy.
Even now I still forget how much the Divine loves me. Loves all of us. I forget how much tenderness and support is available!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Joyful Creation Machine

Two weeks ago I had a new download of enlightening energy. It came as a result of YEARS of energy healing work, a very clear intention to be a channel for Divine Light in this world and 2 excellent chiropractic adjustments from my wonderful friend Nancy. I also know my boat is being floated by the general wave of Planetary Awakening occurring in the past month or so.
I woke up the morning after the first adjustment to find that the Light I used to go up to was sitting right on top of my head. I was being attuned to a higher vibration again! My head was tingling like mad. After a few hours, the Loving Light entered through my crown chakra. Over the next 2 weeks it gently moved down through my body, transforming each cell, clearing and balancing chakras in the most powerful way I have ever experienced, transmuting much negativity into pure joy.
An unexpected side effect is that my memory, which became very hazy when I was very ill 8 years ago has come back.
Another side effect is that when I tried to think about what was hapening, talk about it or move away from my beautiful corner of peaceful nature I had a nasty migraine. The migraine cleared up as soon as I stopped thinking, sat back or walked in nature and just went with the flow! Easy!
The Light and Love energy is in every cell of my body now, all the way to the sole of my feet. So now I can, more then ever, see the good in every one and I truly love every one on this planet and beyond. In the whole universe really.
I also feel more respect for my body as a beautiful expression of the Divine. I am not talking about how pretty or how thin, more what an amazing complex perfect CREATION MACHINE it is. And for the first time in my life I am finding it easy to honor that.
I am choosing joy as my daily experience. Whirling into the Heart of God and embodying the Light is why I am here.
The Light and my new body vibration are taking about 3 weeks to integrate into my life. i am finding a new balance again. I feel that I am now fully into the Heart of God. Which of course does not make me by any mean perfect or special. Just more joyful!
In my every day practical life, because there are only 24 hours in a day and I live mostly (though not always!) in the present and through this body, I spend time in places and choose to interact with people who harmonize with Light, Joy and Respect so we can flow and create together.
Together we learn, love, flow and create!
Friday, April 30, 2010
What is Happening to my World?

What is happening to my world? (In a good way!)
My Accuweather page this morning has a box saying: "Beneficial Weather conditions create a lowered risk of a migraine headache, and will help to make a headache less severe and of shorter duration." As a migraine sufferer 25 years ago, I knew that to be a fact when all that was available to me was a very strong pain killer.
Seth Godin posted on his blog today about how in his opinion USA Higher Education is heading for a Marketing disaster because most schools are offering dramatically increasing costs and bland experiences that they target average students and that too many people are getting into decades of debt in a job market that is not helping them pay that debt back. I've been saying that for a while. But I live in a College town so it's not been a very popular thought!
My local supermarket is now actively promoting the benefits of probiotics and offers 4 different brands, some of them very good, that 30 years ago only my friend with very weird hippy parents knew about (they mad their own yogurt of course) and that 15 years ago I could only find by mail order or in obscure Health Food Stores.
And my FAVORITE one this year: the Massachusetts Department of Public Health states on page 28 of its: "Flu: What You Can Do - Caring for People at Home" booklet: "Care for the Caregiver" : "To maintain your strength and ability to take care of others, it is important to: Stay in the present. Focus on simple and manageable tasks"
That is a very powerful standard Eastern meditation practice that must have finally made it to the main stream! Hooray! Now when I started meditating in 1989, I can tell you that it was NOT standard medical advice to 'stay in the present'!
Every week I come across main stream advertisement that openly talks about creating a balanced life, emotions and even angels that 15 years ago were considered woo-woo subjects.
Even a Raw diet is gaining in popularity!
So this morning my reaction to all this is dual:
1- I am HAPPY that all this good juicy life-enhancing knowledge is now mainstream, everyday common sense for many.
2- I am wondering: what do I know now that will be completely main stream in 5 or 10 years? How long will it take for people
- to be able to cure illness with a thought?
- to understand that it IS possible to completely recover from trauma with energy work?
- to hear that you can revert Diabetes type 2 with diet,
- eliminate depression with energy healing
- that auto immune disease DOES go away with lifestyle changes and energy healing
- that using energy at home brings a fever down, calms children down, creates good relationships with other family members
- that energy transmissions/attunements DO raise your vibration AND help you think more clearly and feel more joyful and ways that 'you can't explain'
What do YOU find most exciting about all these changes?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

There are people in this beautiful world of ours who only feel satisfied when they can control everyone around them. Even is that means destroying someone else's happiness or joy in order to gain control over them while they are sad, depressed, ill, miserable or feeling victimized. Because when the 'victim' are undermined and cannot do for themselves, they suddenly need support, right? So guess who is suddenly available to swoop in and help/support/rescue them? Yes: the 'destroyer' themselves.
My mother was one of those people whose low self esteem only allowed her to be happy when we were unhappy and needed her. So I learned at a VERY young age (definitely before I was 2) that it was DANGEROUS to be happy, to look free, to laugh, to express happiness in front of her because it would TRIGGER her anger and resentment and set her into destructive action. I learned that it was easier for me to repress creativity, flow and happiness rather than let it arise and watch her destroy it. THAT pain I could not take.
So I nearly died as an infant, by the time I was 2 I was scarily 'well behaved' and by the time I was 7 I was chronically depressive. My unconscious programming was set to 'no fun, no happiness, no flow, no creativity coz they're dangerous'. Wow! What a legacy!
I started therapy at 20, meditation at 27, developed awareness and over the years I allowed myself to be happy and joyful again. But I would still get STUCK on a regular basis. Physical pain. Lack of cash FLOW on a boringly regular basis. Stop-start artistic flow/inspiration: sometimes I could paint sometimes I didn't. Sometimes I was fun to be with and a lot of the time until recently I definitely was not.
I got over a lot of that in my 20s. Then in my 30s I had children and unconsciously associated having kids with 'being stuck', because that is how my mother felt about motherhood so it started all over again when I became a mother. That also started me on my journey as a conscious healer because I was determined to heal myself and change my children's legacy! I became a Reiki Master, a Kinesiologist, a Quantum Healer. I do energy work for myself and my family all day, every day! That is just how we live now. I know a lot about energy by now, I am an expert!
The word FLOW came to me in a meditation recently. The remedy was to take ACTION that encouraged flow in my life. It's working: this morning I was laughing out loud playing ball with the dog then dancing to Flamenco music!
My kids wish I could have been more fun when they were little. They have all articulated that wish to me. I was not and it's ok because for the most part I looked the other way when they were playing and having fun or doing arts so I would not interrupt their creative flow. It's worked and now they are older, THEY are teaching me how to be me, how to have fun and how to flow.
I feel like I am finally coming into balance and loving life all that much more! TOGETHER, we learn.
PS: Of course, on a soul level, I know I chose my family and created the experience to become the healer that I am now. But in THIS lifetime and in THIS body, I still had to understand and release the 'repressed joy' pattern to crawl away from under that rock and into the sunshine!
Energy Healing,
unconscious programming
Monday, April 26, 2010
Don't Sacrifice For Me

Please do not sacrifice for me. Love me joyfully, love me in plenty, love me AFTER you love YOU. Create for me and with me.
But please, please, please, please, please: do not sacrifice for me. Do not, ever, create lack in your own life in order to provide for me.
Do not create resentment in your life that you can later use against me because you sacrificed and deprived yourself for me. Do not ever think that you are better than me because you created suffering in your own life.
It's really simple: if it's a sacrifice: DON'T DO IT!!
Don't spread the pain and the misery.
Do NOT, ever, use me as an excuse for your own suffering.
When I look at it as an energy pattern , sacrifice strangles a person's energy. Sacrifice looks narrow and straight. Like a long tall narrow bottle without curves. I don't fit in that narrow space of energy.
There is enough for everybody.
There is a plenty of all the love, energy and resources that we could possibly need in our everyday lives.
There is a plenty of all the love, energy and resources that we could possibly need in our everyday lives.
There is always a way to flow, to make the magic happen, to jive, to harmonize, to watch prosperity and opportunities unfold if only we let them.
So please, when you love me, create with me and for me. When you create in my name, share from abundance. Create beauty, more respect, more opportunities. Work WITH me on creating wealth. Give to me WITH JOY. TEACH me what you know about abundance and growth and nature. MIRROR for me the myriad opportunities of the world, the endless love of the Divine, the joy and laughter of little children, the beauty of the rose, the joy of compassion, the bliss of eternity.
If you respect me please create from love and abundance WITH me and I will gladly receive.
Thank you.
Share the bliss, the love, the smile.
Energy waves,
Goddess divine feminine,
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I Choose Joy

I am Love, I a Light, I am Respect
I am the dream, the past, the present and the future all in one instant
I am potential and reality, I am Joy
I choose Joy
Awaken and remember that hardship is an illusion, the memory of a choice you made a long time ago
Acknowledge negativity and let it go: it's not you
In our world of free will, love, joy and health are a choice
At the heart of the heart of the Heart is pure Joy. Peaceful, glittery, undisturbed JOY!
You have free will: are you using it for joy and awareness?
I am the dream, the past, the present and the future all in one instant
I am potential and reality, I am Joy
I choose Joy
Awaken and remember that hardship is an illusion, the memory of a choice you made a long time ago
Acknowledge negativity and let it go: it's not you
In our world of free will, love, joy and health are a choice
At the heart of the heart of the Heart is pure Joy. Peaceful, glittery, undisturbed JOY!
You have free will: are you using it for joy and awareness?
I love YOU beautiful facet of the Divine diamond!
Planetary awakening
Friday, April 23, 2010
What is Your Baseline?

I talked yesterday about our ups and downs and it occurred to me recently during a session with a client that it is important to be aware of our current baseline in order to understand our ups and downs.
Our baseline varies with circumstances, health and age.
After we studied for finals, had a baby or got divorced, our base line is lower. So we look 'down' to other people more easily and more often. We might be on one of our 'up' days but because at that time of our lives our baseline is much lower than most people's, they are wondering what is 'wrong' with us.
The same is true of individuals who have auto-immune disorders. So go easy on them! What looks to you like a bad day might be their best day of the week! Support them in enjoying that and celebrate their victory with them, even if for you it's an every day occurrence.
With much love and patience, we create support together.
Energy waves,
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Feeling Someone Else's Energy

Tonight I was telling a lovely friend how I realized what my gift is: I attune people to a higher vibration, just by being with them. Her response was : "YOU DO! Tune people to a new higher frequency. I felt it. You are so multi-dimensional." She reminded me how last August she offered to show me her world.
I had been worried about something since childhood and she said: "No need to worry! The world is wonderful and safe. Take my hand and I will walk you through these gardens, I will show you how lovely it is here at night."
She remembers: "You took my hand as we walked back to the hotel... and said, "Is this how you see the world?" And, I knew, you really saw the world through my eyes. It was the most incredible experience."
I really did see the world through her eyes. And it WAS a most incredible experience to experience the gardens through her perception. The smells were sweeter and more intense, I was at peace. For the first time in my life I felt young, little, safe and loved in a world full of promise.
In that moment she healed my inner child more deeply than any therapist ever had. Because she loved me enough to want to share her world with me, with an open heart and because I trusted her enough to let her take care of me.
I think of her often and am endlessly inspired by her sparkly love for life. What I did not know until tonight was that it was an important moment for her as well.
She says: "I have been given the gift to show others this world...but... you were the first person, who reacted, just by holding my hand. Now that is a higher vibrational level..."
So in receiving from her I also gave to her. One heart.
And you see: it IS quite possible to feel/read/perceive someone else's energy. I felt my friend's and she was clearly aware of my feeling it. We shared her vision of the world for a moment.
Energy is real and it is contagious.
I am safe and forever expanding in a world of infinite possibilities.
Energy Healing,
Energy waves,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Ups and Downs

Everyone has their ups and downs. That is because we are pure energy and energy works/travels in waves. Up and down like a wave.
When we are 'down' we haven't done anything 'wrong'. We are at the bottom of the wave. Things will pick up, guaranteed, particularly if you acknowledge the wave and just let it be.
We become 'depressed' when we think that being at the bottom of the wave is 'bad'. So we attach a story to it and that story sinks us. It stops us from coming back up.
Being hyper because we think that the up, the crest of the wave, is the only acceptable or productive way to be does not help any more. It is just as unrealistic and does not give us any down time or allow us to rest.
The downs are good to rest but also to go within, to be more introspective and to seed new ideas.
The ups are more about doing, about expanding into the world. And the downs are more about being.
We all have our own rhythms, the seasons create rhythms and our culture creates different pressure at different times.
Embrace the downs as well as the ups, I say. Breathe through them and allow yourself to just BE sometimes.
Energy waves
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Remembering Oneness

I have been wondering why there are so many different individuals channeling so many different beings (you know: like Esther Hicks with Abraham). They all have different names but their messages are very similar in essence and their energies feel very similar to me. All very sweet, supportive, practical, to the point.
So I asked.
And I was told that when we tried to access the Divine through centralized organized religions the damage to out hearts and creativity was tremendous. So this time the Divine is making sure that the information we need to access in order to awaken as a collective remembering its way to Oneness is spread among as many individuals as possible. One truth, many voices.
I have been noticing for the past 10 years that dozens of people spontaneously receive similar information. Some monetize, some don't. Some live by it, some don't. Some spread the knowledge in books and audios, some don't. But it's the same message all right:
We are remembering Oneness
We come from Love and we are forever returning to Love
We are the creator and the created
We are remembering that we are at the forefront of creation in expansion
Fear and negative emotions stand in the way of our contributing to the expansion of creation
We are individually responsible for the collective and changing ourselves changes the whole
We come from Love and we are forever returning to Love
We are the creator and the created
We are remembering that we are at the forefront of creation in expansion
Fear and negative emotions stand in the way of our contributing to the expansion of creation
We are individually responsible for the collective and changing ourselves changes the whole
It's s quite simple really.
And there's nothing new.
Difference is: we are starting to listen, to understand and to use those simple truths in our everyday lives. That's what we are calling Planetary Awakening.
I love you, beautiful aspects of the Oneness!
Heart of God,
Planetary awakening
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Gratitude Heals

Love is the greatest healer of course. And because in human form we have access to so many shades of emotions we can refine that truth.
I think that GRATITUDE is the most healing aspect of Love.
I was reminded it of it by this:
"Appreciation and self-love are the most important tools that you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others, and the appreciation of yourself is the closest vibrational match to your Source Energy of anything that we've ever witnessed anywhere in the Universe.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Spokane, WA on Tuesday, May 30th, 2000"
In my experience, every one of those words are true.
With much Love,
Energy Healing,
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Light is Right There!

I only have a few minutes but I really want to say something about what is happening this week: the energy is really pushing to change fast again. It feels to me as if the earth is re-aligning itself and in so doing giving us the space to do the same.
A lot of people seem to have had a challenging week and FaceBook is full of people talking about eating chocolate today! We must all need comfort!
The good thing is that:
- I am becoming aware of more and more individuals awakening in the last few days.
- Others are more comfortable showing their talents and strengths
- many seem to be finding balance between spirituality and everyday life
- The angels are really present, available and helpful!
- the Light is RIGHT THERE: ready to become you and enlighten you in your body!
Let me know what is going on for you: Good week? Hard week? Challenges? Feeling exhausted? A lot happening spiritually or emotionally? Together we learn, support and Love!
Heart of God,
Planetary awakening
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Creation in Motion

What desire drives you? Is it the desire to love more? The desire to BE love? To love the Divine and be at one with it? To experience Love on Earth?
If it is, then let Love carry you. Again. And again. Into compassion.
The day you die, how much of Love will you have become? How much of you will be Love? How much love will you have created and will you be taking back to the Creator when you merge back into Source?
Speak your love softly and watch life create itself.
What does the Divine desire? What do YOU create when you desire?
Let Love carry you. Again. And again. Into compassion.
The emotion of Love creates the motion of life.
When you experience Love you experience creation.
When you are Love you experience the Divine unfolding, creating itself from its mystery, into eternity.
When you experience Love you experience creation.
When you are Love you experience the Divine unfolding, creating itself from its mystery, into eternity.
Awareness is Love. Gratitude is Love. Trust is Love. From which we create more Love.
What is YOUR driving desire?
What is YOUR driving desire?
Heart of God,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Angels Are Everywhere All the Time

Angels come in all shapes and sizes. Most of them have specialty jobs. All are tremendously helpful and willing to support us in any way that we need and that they are capable of.
They are all around us all the time but their vibration is so much finer than ours that we often miss their presence or don't hear their message.
Slow down, be still and ask them to let themselves be known to you: they are there, always.
And if you need to, ask someone who is also a human angel to reconnect you with your angels. When I am going through a bad patch, I ask friends to reconnect me with my posse. (See the PS to last Saturday's post I Miss My Wings)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Cultivate Awareness to Discover Unconscious Beliefs

How do you discover what your unconscious beliefs are? Cultivate awareness!
Last Monday (This was written on Nov 25, 2009) I wrote about how what I am worth is created by my unconscious beliefs. So how do I discover what those unconscious beliefs are?
I want to share a rather personal example that came to light in my life only a few days ago because I believe it is rampant in our culture.
A friend of mine insisted for months that I hated men and that I needed to get over it fast. I found that really surprising because believe me when I tell you that I like and love men!
So I dug a little deeper. Nothing.
I muscle tested around the beliefs that I hated men, did not like them, etc. Nothing.
I decided to let it be and just watch myself ~ awareness, Baby! ~
I lay low like a cat pretending to sleep, waiting for the mouse to dash across the room. And all of a sudden, there it was: a very, very quick thought, barely formulated, censured as it was being born, because it runs contrary to what I WANT to believe and how I CHOOSE to live. I was watching TV. Some sad story of what humans can do to each other sometimes. And I heard myself think "Not surprising. Men are b*****ds" Woh, woh, woh, WOH! Hold on a minute! Where did THAT come from?
Quick flash of shame. Quick look around the room. Did anyone hear that thought? Pheeww! No one around. And it WAS a thought anyway!
Non-judgement, Sophie. Non-judgement! BREATHE.... Have the compassion you would have for one of your clients.
Ok, got that.
Back to the cat lying in wait. And there it is: in French, of course, I can hear my mother say the equivalent in French. I'll spare you the translation!
It is relevant to share with you that both her and I were raised by violent cruel men who often behaved not very nicely and were emotionally, verbally and physically abusive. It leaves a legacy that you understand if you've been there but I sincerely hope for you that you cannot quite imagine what I mean.
So I did NOT hate men, which would be a choice and a strong emotion. But underneath my conscious life choices I was taught to believe that the only explanation for the abuse women suffered in my family (and by extension the whole world) was that "men are b******ds". A little simplistic I know. But hey, most ideas are simple when you are an infant, a toddler, an 8 year old.
I have also remembered many lifetimes that compounded that belief.
I think I was probably born ready for that thought to be programmed in my neuro-net. So whenever a man did something I did not understand or that reminded me of past abuse in any way, that thought was triggered and ran its little routine, creating more trouble in my present.
Can you see how insidious and subtle those deeply embedded karmic or familial or cultural beliefs can be?
I removed that belief yesterday and I feel much lighter! Now I can align myself to my conscious truth which is that I like and love men!
When clients come to me in a session it's a lot easier to work with them than with myself because I can hear their thoughts, feel their emotions and their body's reactions OUTSIDE of me. So I know exactly what is going on and I can unearth their hidden negative beliefs on their behalf. But when we work on ourselves, AWARENESS is really the key. Until we feel that we are in alignment with Love, in our actions as well as emotions. Because Love is all our Soul truly wants.
This post was written on Nov 25 2009, just a couple of days after I cleared that negative family belief about men. At the time I did not have the courage to publish it because the story it tells felt so personal. Now I think it is important to share it with you because so many of us UNCONSCIOUSLY carry old familial beliefs.
Monday, April 12, 2010
In the Music of Silence
In the music of silence
In the sweetness of the Void
I feel the endless possibilities of an eternal moment
In the lightness of here
In the weightlessness of everywhere
I feel myself floating into the Heart of God
In the sadness of here
In the cumbersome knot of linear thoughts
I miss my wings, the lightness of the Void, the brightness of the Light
Fullness of the Divine now
Endless light of acceptance
Embrace us that I may again be the wings that lovingly vibrated out of the Void
PS: I am all better today. :o) Thank you for the emails, FB messages, DMs & phone calls, for the outpouring of sweet, sweet love and wonderful support! You guys just say the nicest things. You all have such a way with words: you melt my heart!
This poem was written on Saturday as I still had mixed feelings about being both human and angelic.
From Matthew in England:
Thank you Matthew!
In the sweetness of the Void
I feel the endless possibilities of an eternal moment
In the lightness of here
In the weightlessness of everywhere
I feel myself floating into the Heart of God
In the sadness of here
In the cumbersome knot of linear thoughts
I miss my wings, the lightness of the Void, the brightness of the Light
Fullness of the Divine now
Endless light of acceptance
Embrace us that I may again be the wings that lovingly vibrated out of the Void
PS: I am all better today. :o) Thank you for the emails, FB messages, DMs & phone calls, for the outpouring of sweet, sweet love and wonderful support! You guys just say the nicest things. You all have such a way with words: you melt my heart!
This poem was written on Saturday as I still had mixed feelings about being both human and angelic.
From Matthew in England:
Thank you Matthew!
"You are the star, the dreamer, the creator of your destiny. Unfold your wings and weave your magic." Adele Basheer
"Soar above the world into the wonder that you are. You are higher than the mountain tops and brighter than the sun." Toni. Carmine Salerno
Heart of God
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I Miss my Wings

Some days I am so tuned into angel communication that human communication becomes very awkward, cumbersome and difficult. I find myself wondering why people are being so obtuse, why I have to explain everything to them, why they can't read my mind. Why they can't hear the music in the silence or see the waves of energy around everyone.
On such days the whisper of the trees sounds loud to me and I feel emotionally bruised from walking into solid walls that I don't expect to be there. The way other people make their decisions makes no sense to me: it is all so linear and limited. I wonder why so few can see the endless possibilities in the eternal present.
On such days I miss my wings and the sadness can be overwhelming.
Then I remember to ground myself, eat well, go for a walk. Being in nature particularly helps. Eventually I can go to sleep and fly off to where I feel I belong that I can resource my energy and try again tomorrow to be a functional human angel.
PS: With tears of joy I am adding the responses from some of my wonderful angel friends:
From Mary in Australia:
She saw me & reminded me: "U must be on the cusp of something very special.& sacred....." Mary channeled for me & gave me many insightful & reassuring messages. Thank you!
And shared: "This what I find beautiful/sacred- Medwyn Goodall Medicine Women "
That sound was particularly healing for me & I listened on repeat, letting the vibration soothe me and gently dissolve the sadness.
From Richard in England:
He gave me a most wonderful healing session. He re-connected me with angel vibration. He commanded that I be protected, as he does when I need it. Then he set up a sanskrit chant to automatically be activated to neutralize the night terrors that had been plaguing me for weeks. And another 2 chants to dissipate the effects of other weakening unpleasantness.
From Ainsley in Cornwall:
"You have your wings, you have just forgotten that you have them ♥
Walls are a fiction - close your eyes and soar Sophie - it is what you were born for"
I was still too weak to really understand what he meant & didn't really 'get it' until today!
From Mary in Australia again:
Angels by Enya:
From Ships of Song (Click here for their website):
May you have ears to hear wisdom of the universe, eyes to see its presence & courage to speak it to your world.
May your life be filled with a double portion of All That Is.
May the Universe never cease to surprise you with blessings.
The universe smiles on you.
And the one that blew me away:
May the key of wisdom be given you to open the doors of opportunity and the gate of paradise.
THANK YOU!!!! to all of you who carried me back to safety.
Together, from all around our beautiful earth, we learn.
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