Friday, February 26, 2010

Juice Feasting

I have been fasting, juicing and eating mostly raw for close to 2 years now.

Last September my guidance was very clear and said: "Detox now. Start today."
I ignored it because I had had yet another long detox in the spring and was not emotionally ready to start again. So I forgot that being a spiritual seeker often puts you on a rigorous training program and I babied out of it.

I should not have though because a week later I had swine flu, which was a severe detox in itself for about 7 weeks! It turned out that getting sick was a much harsher way to give my body what it was asking for than a controlled detox program! You can read all about it here.

Last Saturday a friend mentioned juicing to me. Then a friends' tweet took me to a great article on juice fasting and at the same time a colleague mentioned on FaceBook that she is on a Blessed Herbs Detox. This time I am going to listen to the message (it is loud and clear enough) before the Cosmic Hammer falls on my head or lungs again!

I prefer the idea of feasting, which is abundant, to fasting, which sounds like famine and deprivation really. And I am not deprived since I can drink all the fruit and vegetable juice that I want. Bring on the vitamins and minerals and out with the toxins!

I started juice feasting today Friday. Let's see how far I go with it. I'll keep you posted.

Do YOU want to join me? leave a comment here of email me if you do.

PS: Here is the article on juice fasting


  1. Are you juicing your own vegetables and fruits, or do you have another source for juices for your feast?

  2. Hey there, just got your Twitter follow (I'm @sds2965) and am following you in return. I also just clicked to follow your blog - love connecting w/ others of spiritual mindset! My own blog is Healing Morning, so if yu get the chance to visit, leave me a comment. I look forward to reading more of your work!


    ~ Dawn

  3. Hi Dawn! What a lovely surprise! I just looked at your blog and like it so much that I still have a tab open to it on my computer to go back to it and comment tomorrow morning!

  4. Hi Jennifer!
    I don't have a high quality juicer and I am also a working single Mom of 3 so I am relying on high quality commercial juices that I know are not nearly as good as juicing my own organic produce. But I'd rather do it this way than not at all. Anyone who can juice their own should I think.
