Saturday, November 7, 2009

Raw Chocolate Truffles

As some of you know I eat 'high raw' which in my case means 80-90% raw food. It gives me more energy than I have ever had. Usually only my last meal of the day, shared with my kids, is partly cooked food. If you know me you will also know my passion for good tasty food and in particular for everything chocolate! Raw cocoa is packed with magnesium and I need a lot of that for all the energy play I do every day!

Today I wanted to have fun and improvised some Raw Chocolate Truffles (loosely based on a Raw Chocolate Fudge a friend gave me 3 weeks ago. )

Quantities are
approximate, depending on how much you want to make and how sweet you like your chocolate.

2 thirds cup raw cocoa powder
pinch of maca (careful: it can be an aphrodisiac!) or any superfood of your choice
1 tbs raw coconut butter (NOT the coconut oil)
1 tsp raw cocoa butter, grated or shaved with a fork
1 tbs raw honey
Agave powder and liquid agave to sweeten to taste (yes, just taste it! LOL!)
2 tbs Tahini, enough to turn the above ingredients into a paste
1 tsp cocoa nibs and 6 chopped raw cashew nuts if you want to add some crunchy consistency.

refrigerate for 15 minutes.
Spoon into truffle shape and roll into more cocoa powder, either neat or sweetened with agave powder.

Improvise, improve and let me know! Have fun!

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